
Friday, September 27, 2013

Liebster Nomination

What a wonderful pleasure to have been nominated by Argyle Doll for the Liebster Blog award. Argyle Doll reviews Erotic romance and (surprise!) she loves argyle.

Here are the rules:
·         Link back to the blogger that tagged you.
·         Nominate 10 other and answer the questions of the one who tagged you.
·         Ask 10 questions for the bloggers you nominate.
·         Let your nominees know of their award.

  1. What are you favorite alpha male characters? Sinclair in the Queen Betsy books.
  2. What good books have you read lately? 600 Hours of Edward and Edward Adrift by Craig Lancaster.
  3. Digital or Print? Print. But reading is reading.
  4. What section of the book store are you magnetically drawn too? Romance then moving on to Mystery/Thrillers then Paranormal/Sci-Fi then General Fiction. Books stores and Craft stores are dangerous places for me to frequent. These addictive places are budget destroying.
  5. What authors do you look up to? Yvonne Jocks as a person and an author. Nora Roberts because she is so prolific and incredibly polite to fans. Linda Howard. …
  6. Have you ever gotten so mad that you literally threw a book across the room? No.
  7. Books that you dislike and why? I dislike books that rush the ending or are a mixed up mess of a story – or was there even a story?
  8. If you could meet one character who would it be? Well rats, I cannot think of anything that would make me appear to be intelligent and deep.
  9. Do you take shame in reading erotica in public? Especially if people know what you are reading? Erotica isn’t at the top of my reading list but I do read. I am not ashamed but once I was reading a book on the plane and the man next to me commented about what a smutty book I was reading.  I looked at him and he said he was reading along with me. It did make me uncomfortable.
  10. What is it about reading that keeps you going back to purchasing more books? I just love to read.  I prefer paper but ebooks are less expensive and can be downloaded immediately. And next thing you know my eyes and desire are greater than my time. With paper books I usually am limited to cash on hand and how many I can carry.

My Nominees followed by My questions for my nominees. Please check them out AND give them some love!

The Three Little Pugs
Mia Hoddell
Books 'N Things
The Auto Pilot Guiding you through the mindless world of television plots
As Jenn Flips Through
The Cowspotdogs
The Darkest Sin - Adult Content
E. L. Watts
Free Reads from the Genre-istas
Killer Crafts & Crafty Killers

The 10 questions for Nominees:

What is your favorite font?

What is the first book you remember reading?

What is the first book you fell in love with and never wanted to end?

How much time do you spend on the computer a day for work?

How much time do you spend on the computer a day for other reasons?

Do you have an animal companion? What type of animal and name?

What is the motto of your life?

What do you want for Christmas?

Do you like cheese? (Really, I just wanted to ask something silly).

Name one person you admire.



  1. Andrea, nice to see you here. Miss seeing you. Best wishes.

  2. You must read Stella Rose's answers to my questions.


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